More paint smeared on canvas!
News about the Holt family in the Texas Hill Country, the latest things that tick me off.
Monday was such a nice day, I thought I'd smear some paint onto a canvas.
I spent the morning watching the last series of "The Joy of Painting" by Bob Ross and picked up some tips. I'm still going to have to take a class, though. There are things I just can't seem to get.
My aunt, Ann Holt, is a breast cancer survivor. She is participating in a five mile walk to raise money for breast cancer research. My other Aunt Ann is also a breast cancer survivor. My late Aunt Sue survived breast cancer to die of bone cancer earlier this year. My late Aunt Johnnie passed away from cancer last year. That's why I have made a donation to support Aunt Ann in her five-mile walk. If you aren't contributing to someone you love, please consider supporting Ann P Holt. Thanks.
Here's today's painting. I tried to do it like the Hill Country Scene I posted the other day, but I missed my target. My vision of the painting slipped away.
Actually, I am somewhat happy with this one. The sky is lighter, but I am still having problems with clouds. The rolling hills turned out okay, and so did the tree on the left. The less said about the tree on the right, the better! The water is okay, but the grass land needs work.
I might try again tomorrow, but I need to master one thing at a time. I might try to do a sky with a cloud and a mountain. I bought some canvas boards for that purpose.
This is the spot that today I would have revealed my latest painting. But it's been raining since Saturday. Maybe and I can squeeze it in tomorrow, when it's supposed to clear.
I had the oddest dream last night. I dreamt that my best friend, Ben Affleck, had come to town after losing out on the James Bond role. We hung out at the local ten story hotel called Corner Cottage, and watched them start filming before I left to go home. Um, Dr. Freud. . . ?
I am primarily a cartoonist, and have always been fascinated by the process of creating a comic book or comic strip. Here's a link to the official "For Better Or For Worse" site, and their process for creating each day's strip. Interesting reading.