As part of Sean's Graduation/Going Away present, I took him to Midland to play golf with Gary. Originally, Dad and Rodney were going with us. Then Dad got sick and he couldn't make it. Then Rodney had to move and he couldn't make it. Sean and I showed them. We had fun anyway.
We got in to Midland Friday afternoon, and Gary took us out to Hogan Park. Damn! It was hot! At the end of the day, I beat Gary by two strokes. On Saturday, Gary took us to Nueva Vista, a new course near his apartment. I had played both courses before, but I kind of like Neuva Vista a bit better. Gary broke 100 to beat me by 3 strokes. Sean's score? Well, he had some fine shots, but he lost a bunch of golf balls. His most used phrase of the weekend was "I'll drop up by you guys."
We met the new addition to the Turner family: Bonnie, the Scottie. Sharpest teeth in creation! Amy's dad was in town, and she spent most of the weekend with him. Gary assured us we didn't have B. O. or anything, she was just busy.
On Sunday, about 8:30 am, Sean and I decided to leave. I have Aunt Audrey's patience: I'm always in a hurry to get somewhere. I'm sure Gary was disappointed we didn't stay longer (I would have been in his shoes), and I know Amy missed us when she got up shortly after we left.
I would like to go on record and apologize to Aunt Ann and Uncle Bob. About the time we got to Eden, we ran under the storm clouds that had covered the Hill Country since Saturday, and that would drench the area for the next full week. I thought about taking Sean to Voss to visit the other Turners. Really I did. But the lure of getting home, combined with the worsening weather made me decide to keep driving. Once I pulled up in front of the house and put the van in park, I knew I had made a mistake. They deserved to see Sean too. Sorry, guys!
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